Episode 157

Anxiety-Free Purpose: Framework for Creating Purpose in Your Life | E157 Jordan Grumet

Why save and invest? It’s a rhetorical question, but let’s think it through.

When you save and invest, you’re sharing financial resources with your future self. This means your future self won’t have to worry about earning money. With that financial freedom, you gain time—the time you would’ve spent working. And with more time, you have more freedom to choose how to you spend your time.

You might ask yourself, "What do I want to do with my time?" Maybe it’s traveling, exercising, or catching up on sleep. But then what? That question often leads to something deeper—finding your purpose.

That’s a topic my friend Jordan Grumet, aka Doc G, knows a lot about. As a hospice doctor and the author of The Purpose Code, Jordan has explored purpose, connection, and identity in depth.

In this episode, he shares insights from his latest book and helps answer the big question: “How do I find my purpose?”—or if it even needs to be found.

If you’ve been reflecting on your purpose, well buckle up, this episode is for you.

Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation with the hospice doctor and author of the newly minted book, The Purpose, Code..Jordan Grumet.

Key Takeaways:

  • How collections can bring you joy
  • Little P purpose vs big P purpose
  • The importance of the climb
  • The 3 levers to create a more purpose-filled job
  • How to create your purpose instead of find it
  • Using a life review to identify what’s important to you
  • Prioritizing community and connection

More of Jordan:

Order Jordan’s book, The Purpose Code at https://jordangrumet.com/books/.

Listen to Earn & Invest at https://www.earnandinvest.com/.

More of The Struggle is Real:

Find show notes and more at https://www.tsirpodcast.com/

Connect with Justin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinleepeters/

About the Podcast

Show artwork for FI Minded: Achieve Financial Independence While Having Fun
FI Minded: Achieve Financial Independence While Having Fun
Achieve Financial Independence While Having Fun